Who are we ?

More than a company, Teleport IN is above all an eclectic community made up of a committed team, partner therapists who are experts in their fields and influential users in the life of the project.

A human and complementary team


Offer recognition to our elders. We believe that a society grows by providing the greatest care to its most vulnerable people.


Our project carries within it an ethical approach: concern for others. There is this very deep desire for a virtuous product, intended to offer a fully human life.


Our project is rooted in a common desire to create connections, bring smiles back and bring happiness. So we want to put technology at the service of well-being.


To help people who can no longer travel, to revisit a place that is dear to us, to discover a country that we had always dreamed of visiting.

Where it all began

Teleport IN is the result of a meeting between Jérémy, a specialist in alternative medicine and organizer of ethical and eco-responsible trips, with Alexandre and Julien, specialists in virtual reality.

All three having the conviction that technology can improve our daily lives, it is quite natural that Teleport IN found its first audience among nursing homes and residences for seniors by offering innovative and fun activities that stimulate the imagination and memories of each.

The click

Drawing on our experience during our activities with our seniors and thanks to feedback from the health professionals caring for them, we were able to see the benefits of virtual reality on the mental state of users: enthusiasm, creation of social bonds , reduction of stress, rediscovered joy of living etc. Encouraged by these results, we decided to partner with therapists to create relaxation and therapeutic courses in virtual reality.

Birth of the courses

In collaboration with our partner therapists, occupational therapists; sophrologists; psychologists; kinesiologists; emotional liberator etc., together we have designed protocols that release anxieties, stress, anxiety, phobias, addictions etc. The use of virtual reality allows us to immerse our unconscious in a multisensory experience which liberates it and gives it access to new modes of reaction.

And now ?

In order to validate the effectiveness of our protocols, we are in the process of creating a scientific committee made up of different medical experts and therapists to supervise our clinical studies which will take place in our partner institutes such as the Amiens University Hospital, the Lille University Hospital, the CH du Puy en Velay.

More than a company, Teleport IN is above all an eclectic community made up of a committed team, partner therapists who are experts in their fields and influential users in the life of the project.
